Aim Assist

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Delta Force
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Aim Assist

Post by Sparky » Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:20 pm

This mod is using the new upload setup at HDM.
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Re: Aim Assist

Post by Vegerot » Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:00 pm

Thanks. I see how this is still in very early beta (it BETTER be in early beta :x ) like with the very few categories, etc. Also, how'd you make this? I remember I usually changed the things like Auto-aim and Magnitism. But it made some very weird effects. Like my shots actually became LESS accurate, and sometimes would miss even if I'm right in front of them, etc.
Bunneh wrote:Now, please don't spam my newsfeed on how you need like 3 dildoes to make a giant dick statue on penisland or any of those other shitty facebook games.

Delta Force
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Re: Aim Assist

Post by Sparky » Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:11 pm

I tested the mod also. You can still miss like you said, but it's not particularly detrimental.
Either you are groping for answers, or you are asking God and listening to Jesus.

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Re: Aim Assist

Post by Vegerot » Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:00 pm

no, I mean it was actually less accurate. Like I changed the magnetism angle and auto-aim stuff to like 99999, and somehow that made it LESS accurate. Like if I had someone lined up in my pistol sight, it would miss, something that would never happen had the settings be normal.
Bunneh wrote:Now, please don't spam my newsfeed on how you need like 3 dildoes to make a giant dick statue on penisland or any of those other shitty facebook games.

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Re: Aim Assist

Post by zªCh » Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:25 pm

well every section has a limit to the number
i have made a projectile be nonexistent by making the speed 10000000000000
try an auto-aim of 100 that should work properly

just beware numbers over 1000 might not work
I remember thinking that halo would be the one thing that would never update past my mac.....then came HaloMD
now i have 3 versions of combat evolved on my mac...weird stuff.. now if only they made a ppc mac version of custom edition

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Re: Aim Assist

Post by 002 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:54 am

It depends. I would try a low number like 1. If it is too low, 10. Too low? 50.

If 1 is too high, keep halving it.

Nice, though.

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