Sea Mine (1.1)

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Sea Mine (1.1)

Post by 002 » Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:30 pm

This program will deinternalize a Halo PC or HaloMD map provided that the map's tag classes are not protected/obfuscated. When deinternalization, it searches either and for resources and removes them from the map they're internalized in. Halo CE maps can be used, but stock resources cannot be deinternalized.

This program requires OS X 10.7 or newer, though I do have one version that works on 10.6 if you are still stuck on that version for whatever reason.

Download (Newer version): ...
Download (Super old version - works on 10.6):

The Windows version is available on a different site at
Last edited by 002 on Sat Jun 04, 2016 2:27 am, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: Map Deinternalizer (1.0 alpha)

Post by 002 » Sun Jan 11, 2015 4:28 pm

Fixed a crashing bug. Updated link.

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Re: Map Deinternalizer (1.0 alpha)

Post by nil » Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:28 pm

Nice nice. This brought down bullet's 100 MB Claustrophobia mod down to around 50 MB.
I am no longer active to Halo or MGM, and don't guarantee a response on the forums or through email. I will however linger around the discord room for general chatting. It's been fun!

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Re: Map Deinternalizer (1.0 alpha)

Post by 002 » Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:36 pm

nil wrote:Nice nice. This brought down bullet's 100 MB Claustrophobia mod down to around 50 MB.
There are a lot of maps it'll bring down.

The two maps that come with HaloMD
Barrier, 26.3MB --> 17.5MB (67%)
Crossing, 18.8MB --> 14.6MB (78%)

Next, a few HaloMD maps
Claustrophobia, 103.2MB --> 48.0MB (47%)
High Low, 22.5MB --> 15.4MB (68%)
Depot, 28.6MB --> 18.7MB (65%)
Snow Gulch, 104.2MB --> 87.6MB (84%)

Some maps, like a lot of converted CE maps, won't go down by much:
Sanctuary, 112.3MB --> 106.5MB (95%)

Some do, though:
Solitude, 27.6MB --> 20.7MB (75%)
Helix Canyon, 21.2MB --> 17.9MB (84%)
Last edited by 002 on Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Map Imploder

Post by 002 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:40 am

Map Deinternalizer has been updated. Some changes:
  • Now called "Map Imploder"
  • Option to remove redundant resources, which will search the map rather than the bitmaps/sounds for the copies of the same bitmap/sound. This will be undone if you rebuild the map.
  • Removed progress indicator and replaced it with an indeterminate progress indicator. The old progress indicator was there for testing purposes, really.
It won't be as much of a decrease in size as deinternalizing, though. (original --> deinternalized --> imploded

The two maps that come with HaloMD will only insignificantly reduce further in size (if any):
Barrier, 26.3MB --> 17.5MB (67%) --> 17.5MB (67%)
Crossing, 18.8MB --> 14.6MB (78%) --> 14.6MB (78%)

Same with these maps:
Claustrophobia, 103.2MB --> 48.0MB (47%) --> 47.3MB (46%)
Sanctuary, 112.3MB --> 106.5MB (95%) --> 105.5MB (94%)
Bigass v3, 144.0MB --> 136.7MB (95%) --> 136.5MB (95%)
High Low, 22.5MB --> 15.4MB (68%) --> 15.4MB (68%)
Depot, 28.6MB --> 18.7MB (65%) --> 18.7MB (65%)
Solitude, 27.6MB --> 20.7MB (75%) --> 20.7MB (75%)
Helix Canyon, 21.2MB --> 17.9MB (84%) --> 17.9MB (84%)

This map will see a significant reduce though:
Snow Gulch, 104.2MB --> 87.6MB (84%) --> 71.5MB (69%)

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Re: Sea Mine (1.1)

Post by 002 » Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:10 pm

I've updated the program. The name is now "Sea Mine" and it has been completely rewritten using a different programming language. There are a few notable differences:
  • It's a bit faster, though it was already fast.
  • Errors are a bit more verbose.
  • It's a little less confusing.
  • The OS version requirements have been increased to OS X 10.7.
I'm still not quite done on the Windows version, but I'll post a link to that when I'm done.

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