ExPresident Dies......

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ExPresident Dies......

Post by pointillist » Wed Dec 27, 2006 7:37 am

I only met Jerry Ford once,
but I weas impressed by his
surly attitude.

I was surprised that he Still
carried the weight of Nixon's Pardon.......I said, "but you pardoned the
draft dodgers who ran to Canada." (at the same time).

But he carried the anger towards Chevy Chase and
I was rather awed that he wasn't More concerned
with the Present. Carter talked only about the
Future, but I think Jerry taught the Bushes
not to laugh at themselves. Ya might stumble.

Ooh....an old girlfriend owns the house next
to Bill and Hill's. I wrote to the FBI to find
out whether my exwife was dating Obama
while we were still living together. She says so.
A nd Obama cried when he asked me to firgit about it.

I can live with that but there's an incident where a Leading
House member showed up at the coffeeshop and
screamed threats at me. "Wait till you haven't been
able to write or draw for ten years! How funny will you
think it is then!?"

Then she saw that Laura Bush was sitting at the table
next to mine. Diane Feinstein and Gray Davis were
sitting three tables away. The fbi guys were Lasughiiiing.
Diane came over and apologized for her fellow Californian.

Now I've been under Total Attack for 19 months......
not allowed to draw. So I'm filing formal charges.
My Witnesses are Stirling.

Hillary will not be allowed to become President
and then choose another Sexual Predator to run
the Country if someone Bumps Her Off. Ask Jerry Ford.
Jerry's finally having fun, in Heaven.
Obama had all his fun here on earth,
playing in the dirt.

Forward your threats to the Attorney General.

And hey Saddam.........Murder will Out.
Ask Shakespeare. Ask yer Boys.
You perverts. Straight to Hell.


Dead President.

Post by Guest » Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:27 am

okay....okay........I was wrong about Ford.

And he wanted to talk about Watergate and I was scared.....
I had gone with my Dad to recover the Watergate Money in
a Black Bag when an airliner went down in Oakbrook.......

And Ford said about me, to his Secret Service guys,
"He won't play. You said he would Play."

And they're right. I was too scared to Play.
Now I'm not. As long as they get it on tape.

Man....Ford laid out ten miles of mines.

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