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Do you understand?

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Post by Sparky » Tue May 28, 2013 11:04 am

God is God and does not change; the Truth is the Truth and does not change. Therefore, all things exist because of him.
God who alone is good is a threat to the wicked just as the Truth is a threat to all liars.
Let him who walks in the dark and has no light trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God.
The Lord is my Righteousness and my Salvation.
Do not fear the weeds but the Gardener who will uproot and destroy them on the Last Day and heal those who revere his name.
Just as 'The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at my Right Hand until I put your enemies under your feet",' so the wicked will be ashes under the feet of those who understand and know Jesus Christ.
God alone is good; if you want to enter life, obey the Commandments. Repent and believe the Good News: Jesus Christ, God Saves.
The Lord is my Shepherd and my Peace which will never pass away, for God's Word will never pass away, even after the earth wears out like a garment and the heavens vanish like smoke.
Either you are groping for answers, or you are asking God and listening to Jesus.

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Re: Wisdom

Post by TaxiService » Wed May 29, 2013 12:09 am

*votes yes*

I understand that you really can't help yourself from refraining to post this shit.

It's like if you've got a friend that farts deliberately. You hang out with him and every once in a while he starts expelling foul gasses on purpose. You tell him to stop, but he just keeps doing that over and over again.

Well, you're that friend. His intestines are your brain, his butthole your hands, and his farts your words.
  • TaxiService! Shitposting since 2007!

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