SiP & Operation Iraqi Freedom

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Post by SiP » Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:18 am

Let me correct myself: When saying "packetloss" was what I was encountering, I impatiently made that conclusion in response to all the "warping" that I was encountering.

I have noticed less less warping going on since I starting using ethernet cables and changed up the active mod list a little. My guess is that both the ethernet and the choice of mods may be helping to hinder the occurence of warping. But, then again, what do I know.

So, to clarify regarging whether I know if packetless is in fact occurring, my answer is no I don't know.
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Post by Vir2L™ » Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:05 am

I would imagine you'll get a more stable connection with ethernet cable.

Are you playing coop or adversarial?

Is it the same game-play problem on every map?
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Post by SiP » Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:57 am

I got a bunch of players now and our LAN is only expanding by the day. About a month ago my platoon had the plan that we'd invest in and install a LAN to later connect to a satillite-based Internet service. It's been almost two months now and the Internet aspect of the network doesn't appear that it will every materialize.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as I get my money back (what I contributed for getting the dish, etc) I have no complaints. In fact, this LAN alone is all I need.

Ghost Recon works great on a LAN I've found. Although we don't have any voice apps set up to work in conjunction with our play, it's still a lot of fun.

In dabbling with mods and the PC version of GhR, I've found that it is sort of a "hit or miss" situation. Some mods, such as SPV4.3 (noob cannon, right?), work seemlessly with both versions of GhR. But most others, when put into the mods folder of the PC version, are cause for crash.

That's the scoop from Camp Taqaddam, Iraq. Later fellas.
Yah sure ya betcha!!

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Post by SiP » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:17 am

Well, after playin' GhR with a number of my fellow platoon members, it's been impressed upon me that GhR does have quite a bit more of a learning curve than most FPS's. Needless to say, the lot of these guys haven't quite grown much of a liking for the game. It wasn't two day after we get out little LAN runnin' strong that the majority of them went runnin' to the RTCW scene. I mean, sure Wolfenstein is a good game, but the fun is shallow and short lived. I hope they turn over a new leave and give the ol' GhR another try.
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Post by Vir2L™ » Sat May 19, 2007 11:04 am

How are things going SiP?

I read on your brigade page you guys will be coming back in August. I faintly remember you saying you weren't apart of that brigade anymore (or something along those lines).......

So will you be back in the states in August?

We've been mising you!
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Happy Birthday Sip Miss Ya

Post by The unKNown » Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:42 pm

Happy Birthday Sip Miss Ya Take care and be safe.

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Post by SiP » Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:41 pm

At last, my 22 month deployment is over and quickly slipping into the past. School is just around the corner. Right now I'm just bathing in all the downtime that I can possibly garner until the whole academics thing takes over my daily agenda.

During my final week at Camp Taqaddam, Iraq, I hit up the ol' Apple store and dropped a few bucks on a new computer. I've yet to play much for games and have not yet played even once online, but I think it will serve well for that function (MacBook Pro, 2.4ghz,4 gb RAM, 256 video,etc).

I move into a new appartment in a few days and so between now and then I may not be doin' much for gaming. Hell, even without the moving factor, I'm pretty much jetting around ever which way as it is just to get caught back up with the world.

Later all.
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Post by Blade » Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:33 pm

InSiPidus wrote:During my final week at Camp Taqaddam, Iraq, I hit up the ol' Apple store and dropped a few bucks on a new computer. I've yet to play much for games and have not yet played even once online, but I think it will serve well for that function (MacBook Pro, 2.4ghz,4 gb RAM, 256 video,etc).
You spent that much money before you could be sure you wouldn't be coming back in a bodybag? Great job.

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Post by SiP » Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:48 am

I sure did. Well, actually I was completely done with my duties at that point in the deployment. My fellow soldiers and I were doing little else but sitting around waiting for the word to get on the bird.

By the way, Blade, nice avator. That was my ride for the last...oh...roughly a year I guess. I never got to drive my Bradley that crazy, though. The coolest thing I ever did with it was knock down a giant 20" tall gate that lead into a compound so that the grunts on the ground had a clear path in to complete the raid.
Yah sure ya betcha!!

|SOG| Juanage

welcome back

Post by |SOG| Juanage » Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:14 pm

welcome hope SIP. I'll have to send some more DUFF your way :D

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